
A Call to Action by the Rohingya Centre of UK: Fostering True Solidarity with the Rohingya Community
Advocacy and Awareness

A Call to Action by the Rohingya Centre of UK: Fostering True Solidarity with the Rohingya Community

Bradford, UK – June 20, 2024

In commemoration of World Refugee Day, the Rohingya Centre of UK (RCUK) underscores the urgent need for inclusive and sustainable solutions to address the core plight of the Rohingya community. RCUK expresses profound sadness and outrage over the crimes against humanity committed against innocent Rohingya people by both the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar military.

Tragic Losses in Cox’s Bazar

RCUK is deeply saddened by the tragic deaths of 10 people, including at least seven Rohingya refugees, as heavy monsoon rains battered refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar on June 19, 2024, causing flash floods and landslides. This tragic event highlights the ongoing vulnerabilities faced by the Rohingya community.

The Ongoing Struggles of the Rohingya Community

It has been seven years since the massive influx in 2017 when the Rohingya community was forced to flee their homes and leave Myanmar to seek safety in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Since then, they have been enduring dire conditions in the camps, relying entirely on relief and food aid. Children and young people find themselves in challenging circumstances, often spending their time without engaging in meaningful activities or enriching life experiences. The hardships they endure daily in the camps are unimaginable.

In the last couple of months, around one million Rohingya have endured extreme heat waves, two fire incidents, and a cyclone. As a result of the fires, many lost their shelters and were left to live under open sky. During the heat wave, they sought refuge in tarpaulin shelters.

Call for Global Solidarity

The Rohingya camps are examples of how, despite significant efforts from the Bangladesh government and international community, it is still far from sufficient to meet the basic needs of displaced people. The global scenario is not any better than this. This is the situation in which the world will observe World Refugee Day on June 20, 2024. This year’s theme, “Solidarity with Refugees,” calls for actionable support beyond mere words. Solidarity means keeping our doors open, celebrating their strengths and achievements, and reflecting on the challenges they face.

RCUK urges the global community to truly demonstrate solidarity with the Rohingya community, who face significant challenges every day in Myanmar and refugee camps in Bangladesh. International stakeholders, humanitarian organisations, and private sector actors should increase financial aid to these people so that more sustainable and impactful support can be provided. While food, healthcare, safety, and fundamental rights must be provided, we must prepare them for the next phase of their lives. Education, livelihoods, and skills development are crucial now to develop the young Rohingya population so that when they voluntarily return to their country, they will have the suitable skill sets to contribute economically and socially.

Addressing the Root Causes

Recently, the conflict inside Myanmar has reached new heights. These conflicts bring countless human tragedies, and they must be brought to an end. The global community must put more effort into ending this conflict and bringing peace to Myanmar so that all displaced people can return to their homes and live safe and dignified lives.

“The Rohingya community continues to endure unimaginable hardships, including violence, displacement, and discrimination,” stated Dr Mohammad Khubybe, the Public Relations Director of RCUK. “On this World Refugee Day, we urge governments, international organisations, and global citizens to unite in solidarity and take decisive steps towards resolving the crisis in Arakan State.”

Moving Beyond Rhetoric to Enact Meaningful Change

The RCUK emphasises several critical areas where immediate action and support are crucial:

International Diplomacy: Governments worldwide must apply diplomatic pressure on Myanmar to end the persistent persecution and violence against the Rohingya and ensuring their rights and safety are upheld.

Humanitarian Aid: Increased humanitarian aid is crucial to provide essential relief to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, Myanmar and neighbouring countries, where conditions still are dire.

Legal Justice: Perpetrators of violence and genocide against the Rohingya must be held accountable through international legal mechanisms, ensuring justice for the victims and deterring future atrocities.

Empowerment and Integration: Efforts to empower Rohingya communities through education, vocational training, and sustainable development initiatives are vital for their long-term resilience and integration into society.

Calls to Action

  • Call on AA and Burmese military to immediately halt fighting in Rohingya villages.
  • Call on AA and Burmese military to stop the forceful relocation of Rohingya.
  • Call on the international community to hold the AA and Burmese military accountable for the crimes against the Rohingya.

By taking these tangible steps, the global community can move beyond rhetoric to enact meaningful changes, standing for true solidarity with refugees and honouring their resilience and contributions.


Rohingya Centre of UK


Mobile: +44 7944 478966

About Rohingya Centre of UK:

The Rohingya Centre of UK is a non-profit organisation dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of the Rohingya community local and internationally. Through advocacy, education, and humanitarian initiatives, the Centre strives to bring attention to the plight of the Rohingya and promote sustainable solutions to their challenges.

For media inquiries or interviews, please contact:

Name: Dr Mohammad Khubybe


Phone: 07492 637327