
Rohingya Lives Lost in Bangladesh Landslides: A Call for Urgent Action and Support
Advocacy and Awareness

Rohingya Lives Lost in Bangladesh Landslides: A Call for Urgent Action and Support

The Rohingya Centre UK (RCUK) is deeply saddened by the tragic news of the recent landslides in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, which claimed the lives of six people, including three Rohingya refugees. This devastating event, triggered by heavy rains, highlights the ongoing vulnerabilities faced by the Rohingya community in overcrowded and unstable refugee camps.

Since 2017, over 1 million Rohingya refugees have sought refuge in Bangladesh, fleeing brutal military crackdowns in Myanmar. Many now live in the world’s largest refugee settlement in Cox’s Bazar, where shelters made from bamboo and plastic sheets provide minimal protection against the forces of nature. The recent monsoon rains, causing 378mm of rainfall in just 24 hours, led to deadly landslides, further exposing the precarious living conditions faced by refugees. In addition to the lives lost, many others were injured, and large parts of Cox’s Bazar were left waterlogged.

As Rohingya organisation advocating for the rights and well-being of the Rohingya people, RCUK calls for immediate global action to address these enduring challenges. The tragic loss of life underscores the urgent need for safer, more resilient living conditions in the refugee camps. While the Rohingya have already endured years of displacement, persecution, and violence, they continue to face new threats from environmental hazards.

RCUK Urges the Following Actions:

  1. Immediate Emergency Relief and Shelter Reinforcements: International organisations and local authorities must act quickly to provide emergency relief for the affected families and improve the infrastructure in the camps to prevent further disasters.
  2. Sustainable Solutions for Refugees: The international community must work towards sustainable solutions, including safe resettlement options and permanent housing that can withstand environmental challenges.
  3. Global Awareness and Advocacy: As the Rohingya community faces multiple layers of hardship, from persecution to environmental disasters, global attention is crucial. Advocacy for the Rohingya must not waver as their struggles continue beyond initial displacement.

RCUK stands in solidarity with the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, urging the world to remember their plight and act swiftly to prevent further tragedies. This is not just about immediate relief, but about securing a future where the Rohingya can live with dignity, safety, and hope.

Your support can make a difference. Donate today to help the Rohingya community rebuild after devastating landslides in Bangladesh. Every contribution brings hope and provides essential aid to those affected. Together, we can save lives and restore dignity. Donate now!